Ultimate Preset Bundle Vol. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Marketplace Vendor: Jason Sadites
Marketplace Asset Type: Preset Bundle
Marketplace Compatibility:
  • Helix Family

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This bundle contains all of the Jason Sadites ULTIMATE presets up to and including the latest Essex A15 Ultimate preset. The Ultimate presets are all multi-snapshot presets (except the Rivet Ultimate, which is a pedalboard style preset) which each contain a full array of FX. These presets all contain multiple snapshots which range in gain levels from Clean all the way up to Lead. Along with the snapshots they all contain a full array of FX blocks. Please look at the product page for each individual preset for a detailed view of which effects are in each preset. You can get all these presets at an over 30% discount to purchasing them individually. The included presets in this bundle are:

Archon Ultimate

Brit Plexi Ultimate

Cali Texas Ch. 2 Ultimate

Citrus Ultimate

Dual Plexi Ultimate

Interstate Z Ultimate

J45 Ultimate

Maha-Shiva Ultimate

Matchless Ultimate

Plexi-Trem Ultimate

PV Ultimate

Revv Gen Ultimate

TWreck Ultimate

Placater Ultimate

US Deluxe Ultimate

Das Benzin Ultimate

US Princess Ultimate

Litigator Ultimate

Grammatic Ultimate

Fullerton Ultimate

Badonk Ultimate

Divided Duo Ultimate

Stone Age Ultimate Preset

Mandarin Rocker Ultimate Preset

River Ultimate Preset

Doom Ultimate Preset

Soup Pro Ultimate Preset

Rectifire Ultimate Preset

Elektrik Ultimate Preset

Tweed Blues Ultimate Preset

Epic Ultimate Preset

Voltage Queen Ultimate Preset

US Double Nrm Ultimate Preset

Ventoux Ultimate Preset

Angl Ultimate Preset

Essex Ultimate Preset

US Deluxe Vib Ultimate Preset

US Double Vib Ultimate Preset

Ubersonic Ultimate Preset

Worship Ultimate Preset

2204 Ultimate Preset

4 Cable Method Ultimate Preset

Small Tweed Ultimate Preset

Tweed Blues Brt Ultimate Preset

WhoWatt Ultimate Preset

Cali Texas Ch. 1 Ultimate Preset

Moon Ultimate Preset Bundle

Vitriol Ultimate Preset Bundle

Brit P75 Ultimate Preset

Essex A15 Ultimate Preset

Please give the demo videos a listen to hear how these presets sound. I truly hope you enjoy the video and the presets...

BONUS: The majority of preset(s) in this bundle have been updated with a new preset(s) utilizing the new firmware 3.50 cabs in addition to the original "Legacy" preset. Enjoy! 

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